We specalise in factory built, transportable homes

Building the Future for Ngāti Kuri: 11 New Homes for Te Paki Stream Road and Ngātaki

At PanelLock, we are honoured to be part of a transformative project that will deliver 11 modern, high-quality homes for Ngāti Kuri in the Far North. These homes, designed with care, precision, and a deep respect for the whenua, will be transported and installed at the new lot developments at Te Paki Stream Road and Ngātaki, with the first homes set to arrive from February 2025 onwards.

This project is about more than just building houses—it’s about creating spaces where whānau can thrive, where traditions are honoured, and where the community can grow stronger together. Each home is a testament to our shared commitment to sustainability, innovation, and the wellbeing of Ngāti Kuri.

Strengthening Whānau and Community

These new homes will provide safe, warm, and sustainable living spaces for whānau, ensuring that future generations have a solid foundation to build upon. By addressing housing needs in the Far North, this project will help alleviate overcrowding and provide stability for families, allowing them to focus on education, employment, and cultural growth.

The developments at Te Paki Stream Road and Ngātaki will also foster a stronger sense of community. With whānau living closer together, there will be more opportunities for shared activities, cultural practices, and mutual support. These homes are not just structures—they are the heart of a thriving, interconnected community.

Honouring the Kaumatua

For the older generation, the kaumatua, these homes represent a place of comfort, dignity, and connection to the whenua. Many of our elders have spent their lives contributing to the wellbeing of their whānau and the preservation of Ngāti Kuri traditions. These homes will provide them with the security and respect they deserve, allowing them to age gracefully in a environment that supports their needs.

The design of these homes has taken into account the unique needs of kaumatua, ensuring accessibility, warmth, and ease of living. By providing spaces where kaumatua can live independently yet remain close to their whānau, we are honouring their role as the pillars of our community and the keepers of our cultural heritage.

A Legacy for Future Generations

This project is a step toward a brighter future for Ngāti Kuri. By creating sustainable, long-lasting homes, we are not only addressing immediate housing needs but also laying the groundwork for future generations to flourish. These homes will stand as a legacy of collaboration, innovation, and aroha for the land and its people.

As we move closer to the installation of these homes in 2025, we are filled with pride and gratitude to be part of this journey. Together, we are building more than houses—we are building a future where Ngāti Kuri can thrive, rooted in their whenua and connected to their past, present, and future.